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Shean Fletcher, AAMS®, AIF®

I was 15 and my older brother purchased the very first iPod Shuffle. Damn, was that thing cool! At the time, I had $100 saved so I did what any little brother would do - I bought three shares of Apple Computer Co. This one small decision compounded into a career mission.

After leaving my hometown in Iowa, I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Services from Northwest Missouri State University and became a licensed financial advisor. After six years working in a large broker-dealer, I knew I wanted to better serve my clients and opened a firm in October of 2018 as an independent wealth advisor - WEALTH|KC.

My personal life is as good as it gets. I have an amazing wife - Leah, two boys - Baron and Otis, and a German Shepherd named Clyde. We love to travel, visit our large family, explore KC (food recommendations are always welcome), play golf, and watch our favorite sports teams.

AAMS® - Accredited Asset Management Specialist

AIF®  - Accredited Investment Fiduciary